Monday, August 25, 2014

First Day Jitters


Today was our first day together as first graders! We came in, emptied our book bags, helped our friends sort supplies, and then headed off to wellness class. The class met Coach Hicks and Coach Braund and burned off some first day jitters! 

When we came back to the classroom we had our first official morning meeting. The kids shared their names, favorite colors, and foods. Then we discovered who we knew from kindergarten, which kindergarten teachers we had, and whether we were a.m. or p.m. kindergarteners. The kiddos really opened up and began to feel comfortable as they saw friendly faces or met new faces that were in similar situations. 

We learned two of the three ways to read a book, which will become a part of our daily literacy block, Daily 5. 

1. Read the Pictures
2. Read the Words

After I modeled both ways to the children they practiced on their own.  We discussed the importance of reading the pictures because it gets your creative juices flowing and that makes your brain stronger. I really emphasized that even if you can already read the words it is just as important to be able to tell a story by reading the pictures. This is how we will become writers after all!

Next on the agenda, was the first day of school photo. The kids brainstormed what they wanted to be when they grow up, drew it, wrote it, and I snapped a picture of it so we can look at it again on the last day of school. 

Look at our gorgeous faces!

Finally, we read a book about a character who was VERY hesitant to start her new school. She didn't want to get up in the morning, go into the building, or meet any new friends. Can you guess who she was? THE TEACHER! Good thing it wasn't me!! The kids then wrote about their feelings this morning before they got to school. This is their very first writing sample as a first grader and it will be so neat to look back at on their last day as a first grader. 

See you soon~
Mrs. Cervantes

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