Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Voting....the results are in!

Yesterday was a big voting day so we held our own election in our classroom! The kids spent an hour designing a prototype to help us in our Swickard Woods project. The kids were designing animal callers, safe animal traps, food houses, and web cameras. They each had a turn to share and explain how this design would help us find animals in Swickard Woods. Best Design Challenge so far!!! Keep reading below the pictures to find out more!

After, we discussed what it means to vote. We were going to vote on which idea to take to Sandy Willmore first, as she is going to help us turn our prototypes into real creations~!!Each child created a voter's registration card to allow them the right to vote. The ballots were then passed out and the voting took place. They left yesterday unsure of the results, just like a real election.

This morning we tallied the votes, made a graph, and interpreted the data. The most votes went to......using an animal caller!!! Hopefully Miss Sandy will be able to help us accomplish our mission:)

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