Friday, March 20, 2015

Change the World

Our school wide learning event, PIC, Partners in Conservation, begins in April. The behind the scenes work has been in progress for a while!!  Our class has offered to take ownership of the Change the World activity. Each year we collect coins for Rwanda and we have a kindergarten jug vs. a first grade jug! Our class will be preparing a short video segment to introduce this to the school. What better way than with a song and dance?!! We are using Bridgit Mendler's Disney song, "We Can Change the World" for inspiration.

After watching the video a few times and singing along, I asked the children what we need to change our world. We made a list of ideas and then they broke into groups to brainstorm what each idea means and looks like in action! They shared their thoughts with the class and we followed up with the perfect book, If Kids Ran the World, by Leo and Diane Dillion. Stay tuned to see what they come up with for the video!

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