Friday, January 23, 2015

cREEPY cARROTS Design Challenge

Author Peter Brown will be visiting our school in May! We read one of his newer books, Creepy Carrots, which was awarded a Caldecott Award for best pictures. The story centers around a rabbit who is terrified of the carrots he has been eating. He thinks they are creeping around trying to scare him so he builds a fence to lock them up. Well...this is exactly what the carrots wanted so he wouldn't be able to eat them anymore. Our design challenge was to design a way to keep the carrots safe without using a fence. We had several check points and brainstorms throughout the process. The first checkpoint was to determine the meaning of the word fence! Many were trying to build fences out of metal or rope instead of the wood fence in the book. Once we looked up the meaning of the word fence they realized they had to start back at square one! They were stumped for a few minutes but they quickly regained composure and their brains went to work. Don't you wish all adults could think outside of the box without the fear of taking risks or assuming it could never happen?!!! Monday they will write about their designs, so be watching for this to come home!

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