Friday, May 29, 2015

Champion Handprints

The official point of a first grader transitioning to the big world of  multiplication, chapter books, and more grown up teeth in second grade is the first grade champion handprint. They leave a little piece of their free spirited, anything is possible, ear to ear grins on our K-1 wall. We will always remember their faces, little hands, and hugs as we pass those handprints each day in the hall. Leaving our building is hard not only for you as you watch your babies grow and enter the big world of 2-5 (or 1-8) but on us too. We love those little beings as they run in each day with big stories to tell, their looks of adoration because at this point in their lives their teachers can do no wrong, and their sweet innocence. We care for them as they are our own, we spend more time with them during the week than with our own children. They truly do mean the world to us. But we give them back to you, rightly so, and hope we have left some kind of impression on them that will last through their years. So please, send pictures and holiday cards, let them write letters, and bring them back to visit. Watching them grow would be such a privilege and honor. Thank you for trusting us with your children!

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